Soul Seed Gathering - Chapter 3 // Costa Rica
Honoring Soul Seed Gathering Chapter 3 “Dreaming Us Back Together” through a visual transmission from the heart. Humbled by the wisdom of the 12 female elders who guided our journey together on the vibrant lands of Costa Rica. These powerful medicine women are leaders and healers from their respective lineages — including the BriBri, Shipibo, Hopi, Mohawk, Cayuga, and Mi'kmaw. We honor, recognize and celebrate these women for their wisdom, messages, prophecies and unceasing connection with Spirit and thank them for sharing with such generosity and kindness.
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In love and reverence, please enjoy this visual journey.
Endless love to Hannah Dyson and the incredible sisters in co-creation on the media team: Phoebe Maria, Courtney Scott and Mariana Mae. It was an absolute joy to create along side you all.