Olivia Ashton
I believe that our true nature is good — and that love rests at the center of ALL creation.
I believe that this radical love is our birthright.
I live in the realm of Vision, and understand the world through sight — yet experience the depths of Vision most intimately with eyes closed.
I am a ceremonial photographer and meditation guide, specializing in deep explorations of the self + other through imagery and consciousness.
Photography and meditation can be traced through my internal root system. It is from this primordial realm of sight - both internal and external - that my work flows. I see photography and meditation as mystical doorways into deeper intimacy with this one precious life we share. Intimacy: “in-to-me-see.” To fully see oneself is a healing and transformative experience. I support people in seeing themselves with clarity and love through these two powerful modalities.
As a child of the Pacific Northwest, my heart is most at ease listening to the sound of rain. I grew up without a TV — a very focused, embodied and sensitive little girl — spending my time creating art books, playing make believe outside and racing the neighborhood kids.
Lush, quiet forests make up my internal landscape, but so do hurricane-force winds and ecstatic lightning shows. I tend toward extremes, high-highs and low-lows — yet crave balance and harmony. I am devoted to dancing between these emotional realms with wondrous curiosity and compassion. Self love is my guiding light and my connection with Spirit sustains me.
I’ve lived in both a Zen Monastery and a sorority. I support people as they transition into death, and have known no greater realm of beauty than this. I’ve struggled deeply with body image and my path of healing this relationship informs the radical ways in which I hold space for women. I delight in my morning tea, dance, growing in love with my partner, deep-dives with my soul family, music, exploring the mystery of Awareness, and communing with Nature.
I cry often at the beauty of it all.
Thank you for being here. I am excited to give you a piece of my heart.